Our Mission is to educate the body, mind and soul in the Catholic tradition, and to provide a safe environment in which our students can become responsible members of society.
Revised-SJHS-Re-entry-Plan-2021-2022.pdf (1125 downloads) Uniform Orders (825 downloads) Anticipated or Extended Release Form (1046 downloads) College Visitation Form (1177 downloads) WVSSAC Sports Physical Form (2723 downloads) SJCC In-Parish Certification Form (1840 downloads) OLOF In-Parish Certification Form (1809 downloads) Field Trip Driver Information Sheet (1684 downloads) Dance Permission Form (1955 downloads) Field Trip Permission Form (2005 downloads) Service Hour Form (2937 downloads) Student Accident Report (2154 downloads) Student Parking Application (1805 downloads)
Please contact the school office for additional medication dispensation forms.