Counselor’s Corner

MU ACT Prep Courses:  Marshall University offers ACT Prep Courses.  Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis!  The cost for each session is $250.  Call Susie at the MU Help Program to register or for more information at (304) 696-6473.
HOBY Leadership Seminar:  Every year over 9,000 deserving sophomore students from across the country are chosen to participate in the HOBY Leadership Seminar.
Governor’s Honors Academy is for juniors only.  This is a 3-week camp in which you attend classes, travel and meet people from all over the state.  Interested students must submit applications that are reviewed by a committee that selects attendees to represent Cabell County.
Marshall University On Campus Walk-In ACT:Marshall University offers a walk-in ACT (you must register in advance) that is good only at Marshall University.  For more information, visit 
Scholarship Opportunities:
Please visit “The Best Scholarships in West Virginia”.
FAFSA for Seniors: Everyone must complete this application or you will not receive any money from any source (Includes Promise or any other scholarship).  Deadlines TBA – WV, OH, KY all have different deadlines.  For more information visit www.fafsa.ed.govDO NOT PAY FOR COMPLETING THE FAFSA – IT IS A SCAM IF THEY TRY TO CHARGE YOU! – An online resource to help find scholarships for school. (College Foundation of WV) – An online resource for scholarships and future planning.  *Seniors apply for this in Senior Communications class with Mrs. Appell.*
Promise Scholarship – The PROMISE scholarships is a merit-based financial aid program for West Virginia residents.  *Seniors apply for this in Senior Communications class with Mrs. Appell.*
John Garrett Scholarship – John Garrett graduated from St. Joseph Central Catholic High School in 1979 and his dream was to be a pilot.  He was shot down in the Gulf War doing what he loves.  His family has set up a $500 scholarship towards tuition at St. Joe in his name.  Scholarships will be awarded to two juniors with a winning 500 – word essay on “My Dream is …”   See Mrs. Appell for more information.
Create – a – Greeting Card Scholarships Contest is for high school and college students.  Students compete for this award by submitting a photo, piece of artwork, or computer graphic to be used on the front of a greeting card.  The winner will receive $10,000 and the winner’s school will receive $1,000.  Please visit for more information.
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program offers personal advising on selecting a college, navigating the financial aid process, and transitioning from high school to college.  Applicants are judged on academic ability and achievement, financial need, persistence, desire to help others, and leadership skills.  Awards are given to up to 40 students each year and can be as high as $40,000 per academic year.   Please visit for more information.

You may contact Mrs. Appell if you have any questions concerning any of these items at (304) 525-5096 or