St. Joseph Central Catholic High School Profile (2020-2021)
St. Joseph Central Cahotlic High School (SJHS) is a private secondary school, grades 9th-12th, offering an advanced college preparatory curriculum. Located in Huntington, West Virginia, SJHS is one of five high schools in the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston and is supported by the local Catholic parishes, family tuition, and third-source income. SJHS is dedicated to serving a diverse student population and, as such, provides an environment that nurtures the whole person by integrating faith and life. Consistent with our Catholic tradition, SJHS seeks to develop leaders who are rooted in Gospel values and committed to meeting the challenges of building a just society. Approximately 60% of students are Catholic. Students attend from the Tri-State area (West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky) and from around the world.
As a central Catholic high school, SJHS differs from the traditional parochial school model in that the school is not affiliated with one parish. Instead, it serves students from all the parishes within our Tri-State area. We have two feeder middle schools in our Dioceses – Our Lady of Fatima Parish School and St. Joseph Catholic School.
Accreditation and Memberships:
- Cognia (AdvancEd) Accreditation
- West Virginia Board of Education (Policy 2330)
- National Catholic Education Association
- West Virginia Secondary Schools Activities Commission
Academic Year:
2 semesters; 180 school days per year; 90-minute classes (Monday-Thursday); 4 classes per day; 45-minute classes on Friday; 8 classes per day
86% hold masters and doctorate level degrees; average teaching experience is 15 years; 100% are club sponsors and/or coaches, many in more than one capacity. Student-teacher ratio is 8:1.
Virtual Academic Learning Environment:
The winter and spring months of the year bring school closings and make-up days that have proved disruptive to the school calendar and instructional programs for students. Unscheduled closings compromise the quality of the learning process that we carefully and deliberately plan and prepare for our students. To maintain consistency in our curriculum and eliminate the need to extend school into the summer or cancel holidays or programs that are currently scheduled, we have implements the Virtual Learning Academic Learning Environment program. A VALE day will count as a full school day, one of the 180 required by the State of West Virginia.
Student Activities
Life at St. Joseph Central Catholic High School includes a variety of activities and service opportunities. Participation in clubs, activities, and athletic teams is quite high, typically involving over 94% of the student body.
- Boys’ and girls’ cross country, soccer, cheerleading, basketball, swimming, track, tennis, golf
- Boys’ baseball
- Girls’ volleyball and softball
Activities and Clubs:
- Art Club
- Bible Study Club
- Crochet & Knitting
- Drama Club
- Film Club
- Kendama Club
- Key Club
- MU S.C.O.R.E.S.
- Music Ministry
- Speech & Debate
- SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions)
- Science Olympiad
- Student Council
- VEX Robotics
Honor Societies:
- Hispanic Honor Society
- Junior Honor Society
- Mu Alpha Theta
- National English Honor Society
- National Honor Society
- Science National Honor Society
Service: 100% of students are involved in volunteer service in our community. Each year students contribute over 3,000 hours of service to the community outside of the school day.
Class Rank and GPAs: At St. Joseph Central Catholic High School all students follow a college preparatory curriculum. All courses are included in the computation of the GPA. Honors and Advanced Placement courses are weighted. Placement in all courses is based on achievement, aptitude, and motivation.
Grading Scale:
- A = 93 – 100
- B = 85 – 92
- C = 77 – 84
- D = 69 – 76
- F = below 69
Academic Assessment:
- 100% of seniors continuing to a college/university take the SAT and/or ACT
- 100% of sophomores and juniors take the PSAT
- 100% of juniors participate in WV SAT school day
- 100% of freshmen and sophomores take NWEA Map Growth Assessment
Where Do Our Graduates Go?
The Class of 2021 graduates were offered over $3.6 million in scholarship money. These students are attending: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Denison University, Marshall University, University of Charlotte North Carolina Greensboro, High Point University, Bethany College, Oklahoma State University, West Virginia University, Ohio State University, Virginia Tech, Mountwest Community & Technical College.
Senior Internships:
All seniors go out on a two-week internship in two careers fields of their choice. During that time, they keep a journal documenting their week, along with photos. Upon returning to school, students complete a presentation to the underclassmen detailing their experiences. Internships often lead to summer jobs, excellent recommendations, and useful advice about their future.
Dual Credit Courses – Marshall University: SJHS offers over 40 hours of dual credit courses. These courses are available to junior and senior students to take as dual credit, which means they receive college credit through Marshall University at the same time they are receiving high school credit. The options are listed below (in bold) under “Courses and Graduation Requirements.”
Courses and Graduation Requirements:
Course Descriptions and Graduation Requirements (487 downloads)28 Credits are needed for graduation:
- REQ English 9
- REQ English 10 OR H English 10
- REQ English 11 OR H English 11
- REQ English 12 OR ENG 101/201 – 6 dual credits
- REQ Speech/Communications – CMM 103/213 – 6 dual credits
Social Studies (minimum of 4 credits)
- REQ History 9
- REQ History 10 OR AP United States History
- REQ History 11 OR HST 230/231 – 6 hours dual credit
- REQ History 12 OR AP Government
- AP Human Geography
Science (minimum of 4 credits)
- REQ Earth & Space Science
- REQ Biology or AP Biology
- REQ Chemistry or Honors Chemistry
- Anatomy & Physiology
- AP Chemistry
- AP Environmental Science
- AP Physics (Pre-requisite: Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus)
- Astronomy
- Engineering
Theology (minimum of 4 credits)
- REQ Theology A
- REQ Theology B
- REQ Theology C
- REQ Theology D
Mathematics (minimum of 4 credits – 4 years)
If a student would like to take both Geometry and Algebra II in a single school year, he or she must have earned an A in Algebra I, pass a written entrance exam, and have a written recommendation from his or her Algebra I teacher. See below: Teacher Recommendation Form (2377 downloads) Math Entrance Exam Study Guide (2695 downloads)
- REQ Algebra I
- REQ Geometry (Pre-requisite: Algebra I)
- REQ Algebra II (Pre-requisite: Algebra I and Geometry)
- Advanced Algebra II (Pre-requisite: Algebra I and Geometry)
- Financial Algebra
- Concepts & Applications (Pre-requisite: Algebra II) – MTH 121B – 4 hours dual credit
- College Algebra/Introductory Statistics(Pre-requisite: Algebra II) – MTH 127/STA 225 – 8 hours dual credit
- AP Pre-Calculus
- AP Calculus
- AP Calculus AB (Pre-requisite: Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus)
- AP Calculus BC(Pre-requisite: AP Calculus AB)
Foreign Language (minimum of 3 credits) Click here for our Spanish Course Sequencing (2422 downloads) .
- French I
- French II
- French III
- Spanish I
- Spanish II
- Spanish III
- Honors Spanish IV – SPN 101/102 – 6 dual credits
Fine Arts (minimum of 1 credit)
- General Art
- Band/Choral
- AP 2D Art & Design
- AP Drawing
Technology (minimum of 1 credit)
- REQ Computer Science OR MIS 200 – 3 dual credits
General Electives
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Astronomy
- Engineering
- Financial Algebra
- Myths & Legends
- Sociology
- Yearbook
- Creative Writing
- Psychology
Electives are subject to change based on course enrollment.